Solve your Termite & Pest Problems With Us | About RID-EM

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About us

Founded with the goal of helping families and businesses secure the future of their investments, RID-EM Termite & Pest Control have in its core the passion to preserve the legacy and the hard work of its customers.


Rid-Em knows the value and gravity of protecting one’s home or business from the threats of pests for we also treasure these places where memories and milestones take place every day.


Rid-Em knows the fear. Like you, we don’t want our investments to be destroyed. Like you, this is our concern. 


So allow us to take control. Let our solution be your solution. 

termite control philippines
rid-em termite & pest control


To provide homes and establishments with innovative methods that effectively solve pest problems without compromising cleanliness and safety.  


Lead the country in becoming pest-free and improve the Filipino people’s quality of life.

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